A TRIBUTE TO BILL KUHARCIK Mather, a small coal mining town in Greene County in southwestern PA was Bill's birthplace. As a young boy he roamed the hills, picked blackberries and black walnuts, built campfires with friends and sled rode in the winter. He and Uncle George seined for minnows for bait and fished at Pollick's Mill. They picked coal along the railroad tracks that they sold for extra money. Life changed drastically for him as a teenager when his family moved to Ohio where his father built a custard stand that the family operated. He felt like he never fit in, but did find a best friend in his neighbor Joel, they formed a life long friendship and shared many wild experiences becoming young men. Bill always remained a country boy at heart. As an adult he continued to love being out of doors. He enjoyed cutting the grass and chopping wood for our wood burning stove and just sitting on the back porch. His favorite past time was pitching horseshoes. He pitched on a local league and traveled to tournament in Ohio and PA. Bill enjoyed watching professional sports, golf, baseball, basketball, football and hockey.In particular, he was a great fan of the Pirates, the Steelers and the Penguins. Go Pens!!! Bill was fascinated by the wonders of the universe. We watched many solar and lunar eclipses and would get up at 3:00 to watch a meteor shower. Here in Carolina Beach he could see the sunrise over the ocean and sunset over the river. Space travel interested him, he watched space vehicle launches and was in awe of the huge distances that space craft traveled. He often spoke of watching the first lunar space walk. Patriotism was important to Bill, he always flew the American flag at our homes enjoyed hearing the National Anthem sung and had a collection of patriotic music. He love American themed tee shirts and attending Memorial Day and Fourth of July events. He followed politics closely, liked the all political debates and the elections. If he had it to do over again he wanted to be a politician. Bill will always be remembered “Doughnut Man”. For years he would pickup day old donuts from an area shop and deliver them to the police and fire departments, the bank, senior center, even the dentist, and of course to his fellowship meetings. His memory was amazing, especially numbers, phone numbers and birthdays. He had excellent math skills and could solve a math calculations in his head. When visiting with PA classmates he would supprise them with his vivid memories of people and events growing up. Bill had a silly sense of humor and a crazy laugh. He loved playing with children, the daughter of friends in Ohio called him Big Old Wild Bill. He enjoyed telling jokes, especially the old ones that he heard from his oldest brother Mike. Bill was a happy easy going person even though life gave him many challenges Family was very important to Bill. He enjoyed seeing his brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews and cousins for family events, birthdays, graduations. We missed the special Xmas holidays we spent with Mike and Virginia and their family when we moved to NC. Bill touched the lives of many people, he was caring and giving. He saw the best in everyone and he helped many people turn their lives around. It was his nature to help others. He gave freely of his time and energy whenever help was needed in and out of his fellowship. His spirituality guided his life. One of his favorite principles of recovery was, I Can't, God Can, I Think I'll let Him. His favorite prayer was the Serenity Prayer; God grant me the serenity to Accept the things I cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can and the Wisdom to know the difference. Bill was simple, complicated; agreeable, stubborn; happy, sad; lovable and difficult to understand. Bill left all the cares of the world behind on May 29. Those who are deeply missing his physical presence are his wife Linda, sisters Betty Hupp, Marge Kisko, and Anna Marie Talley. His brothers Mike and Jim died before him. No flowers please. Make a contributions to the Wilmington Intergroup or Lower Cape Fear Hospice. One line messages to the family can be made at www.CoastalCremations.com. A memorial service for Bill will be held in July.